Room Spray

Scent your home naturally


Spritz to your heart’s desire in any room of the house to freshen up, deodorize or simply set an alluring and calming scent. Our scents are numbered 1 through 7 because each one was carefully and lovingly crafted to not only bring a pleasant aroma to your home, but also to provide specific therapeutic benefits. La Brume Apothicaire (Apothecary Room Spray) is specially formulated to eliminate the need of gadgets to disperse the fragrance. The simple all natural room spray is perfect for use in the kitchen, bathroom and any other living space. Take it with you when you travel or use it in any shared spaces that will require the elimination of unpleasant odors. Our blends are powerful in a variety of ways.

All of our products are Toxin-Free, formulated using only safe, plant derived, natural, and organic ingredients.